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Softgreyearl Fandoms: One Direction (Band) Ive read better remarks on the back of cereal boxes Language: English Words: 13,091 Chapters: 8/? Comments: 26 Kudos: 44 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: 2286 Just moved to LA and starting college Robbie meets Stiles Stilinski at UCLA however he doesn't quite realize just how much his life is about change. Harry Styles is a naive, extremely tall boy who wears headscarves and soft sweaters and dumb ratty brown boots.

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He didn’t know what he did wrong when a group of college students surrounded him, screaming obscene words and kicking him all over, leaving him bruised and coughing up blood in the alley next to his apartment. Language: English Words: 1,574 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 18 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 692Ĭhristina786 Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe He didn’t know why he thought it would be a good idea to cut through the alley with strange cat-calling men in it.

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When Bucky Barnes wakes up after a rough night in Vegas, he gets the surprise of his life. And could everybody please stop calling him Barnes-Rogers?ĪN: Why is Steve a football player? Well, because I needed a team sport that a) has one or more team captains and b) raises national pride in Americans and I got no idea what baseball is about.

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